Our humans finally got our shelter finished. We had a celebration I can tell you when Mum told us. Dad said it was about time and I had to agree, but oh my, what a nice shelter it is.
Well shortly after Mum told us it was finished the heavens opened up and after a terrible night and an even worse day in the offing (the weather man said something about 20 mil of rain Mum said we really needed to try it out. Of course being careful donkeys we stood in the doorway for ages before we deigned to enter.
It was warm and dry, Mum put plenty of hay in there for us to munch as we stood around waiting for the rain to stop and we had a bucket of fresh clean water in the corner too. It sure beats being out in the rain. So both Dad and I decided there and then we would make use of it again. (but don't tell Mum that)
Of course the sun soon comes out, well it is Spain after all, lol and being the good donkeys we are we happily resumed our daily workload of keeping our humans on their toes. By this we mean we escaped out of our field and though we didn't actually go anywhere it sure made our mum run around a bit. Boy did we think that was funny but for some reason mum was not amused. Oh well.
Mum soon got down to picking the olives which we had, had our eye on for some time however, because we wanted them to be just right we had left them on the tree, but then lo and behold before Dad and I could eat them Mum went and picked them.
Of course we had to check on their quality which turned out to be top notch.
Nom, nom, nom.
Of course Christmas soon came around and Mum thought it would be funny to dress us up in silly reindeer antlers so she could send the picture to our old human mum as a surprise.
Bah humbug is all we had to say.
Of course we do rather like the food at Christmas, mum got us some rather nice cabbages and cauliflowers to munch on, on Christmas day so we joined in with the festivities as Donkeys are apt to do. lol.
Human mum says she is going to put us in the big paddock at the back of the house again next year. She also says she is planning on making the area bigger for us to roam around in. Bah, Donkeys don't roam, they meander, lol. Dad says it will be nice to have a bigger paddock, for one thing it will make mum exercise more when she comes out to collect our poop every morning. Poor mum, she huffs and puffs when she has to carry the bucket up the hill especially when it is full. She keeps on saying something about us helping her, well we are, kind of, we make the poop for her compost heap so what else could she be thinking of.
Well I had best sign off here, I need to get on with stripping the bark off of one of human mums trees, I think it is great fun but Mum is not happy at all about it. Tee hee.
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