Saturday, 16 April 2016

And the work goes on

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We take very little time for ourselves if we are honest, the work on the farm is something that always needs doing come what may, come rain or shine, windy or still, Christmas or the height of summer, it still needs doing no matter what. Of course we do take a few days off every now and then. Batteries recharged we can then set too and the work gets done whilst bearing in mind we are here not to harm but to live in harmony as much as possible with the world on which we live.

In January Sascha and Marina, (from Germany) came to help us out and boy did they throw themselves into the work full force.
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The decision to make inroads (as we say in the UK) into an area of land we haven't been able to get round to for the whole time we have owned our farm had been made over Christmas but in truths I wasn't sure if it would be possible. Thanks to the arrival of Sascha and Marina our wishes came true.
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Trees that had not been seen much less touched for years and years soon started to appear as we cut back the tangle of weeds.

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Nais from France came to help us too.

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After helping clear back some of the scrub (weeds and underbrush) she helped us burn it too.

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As well as wall repair after Kiko knocked it down.
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After Nais left us we welcomed William from the UK.  He helped us not only clear the land.

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But also dismantle a wall so that we could use the stone elsewhere as we need to Donkey proof the top paddock.

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As well as dig holes and mix some concrete so we could finish the fenceline ready for the gates to be put in.
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All too soon William left us to return to the UK. Whilst Sascha and Marina journeyed to Portugal to stay with a new host.
Thankfully Guilia (from Italy) arrived to help carry on the work.  

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But all too soon we had to say farewell to Guilia. But what a wonderful surprise we had when Sascha and Marina returned to help us once again followed shortly after by Melanie from France.

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We are so grateful to all who have come here to help us.  The Donkeys are sure to love the new paddock we have been so ardent in our efforts to clear for them. Only a little more needs doing and then we will be able to fence it off and let them in to it.
Well done guys, we couldn't have done it without you.

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