Sunday, 5 April 2015

Just how would you describe this!

Every now and then we are fortunate enough to witness what we can only describe as a breathtakingly beautiful event.

From early in the morning a huge cloud hung over the valley, the likes of which we learnt was called a 'Altocumulus lenticularis duplicatus'. Its beautiful curves looked as if someone had swirled ice cream across the sky.

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As the day wore on it gradually changed shape. But not in intensity or beauty.

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Day turned into evening and the true magnificence of Mother Natures creation became apparent as the sun began to set.

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I just had to try and capture the whole sky and so took a panoramic shot of it as it played out above our house that evening

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We took so many photos our cameras and phone memory soon became full, but still the show went on, and still we found something new to look and marvel at.  It truly took our breath and we felt humbled in the presence of such beauty. 

Eventually the show came to an end but not before the sky became a burst of flame the likes of which ended our evenings entertainment and adulation in spectacular fashion.

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I know some of you will think these photos have been photoshopped, but I promise you they haven't, nor did we use any filter on our cameras, this is how it played out, in all its glory for us to see and enjoy. 

Saying that, I did ask my camera to contrast the lighting and this is how the same view as above came out.

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Either way, I think you will have to agree, it was pretty awesome, to say the least.

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