Thursday, 22 May 2014

Going crazy!

For a long time I have been wanting to finish off the crazy paving around the sun dial garden. 

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Of course it isn't just a matter of putting the stone down on the ground for one thing it isn't level, so to make it just right we had to dig up some of the old sand I had laying around the farm to form a solid and level bed.

Caleb soon made short work of one section.
 photo DSC_0647_zpsj86dicgh.jpg Followed by another.
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Then Jake and Yazmin got stuck in. 
 photo DSC_0679_zpsbhswlvhe.jpgYazmin being a little picky, lol.


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We then lay the sand at the back of the sundial in preparation for laying the stone.

Caleb then laid some of the stone.
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He did really well considering it was so very hot that day.  So hot in fact that the cement was drying out in the barrow before he could use it.
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Luckily the weather cooled a little (thanks to cloud) which meant Yazmin and Jake didn't have so hard a time as Caleb when it came to laying the stones.
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The last stone to be laid.

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Job well done guys!
Before Caleb left to go to his next workaway placement he helped with some weeding.

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As well as made mixes for us so we could lay the stones without interuption.
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Our next project was the repair/rebuild of an old hunting hide that had collapsed. 
My plan is, is to use it as a sun shelter for pigs which I am hoping to raise in the very near future.  photo DSC_0696_zpsgwwf2sgc.jpg  photo DSC_0697_zpsug63izvj.jpg
We cleared it out, sorted the stones and then began to repair/rebuild it.

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Honestly Jake, are you sure this is your best side, lol!

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Hopefully very soon I will be able to put a solid floor inside and its roof on, but for now we just had fun repairing it.

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