2017.... Where did the time go.
For too long I have been telling human mum that I really need to get on the computer to update my diary, but did she listen. Well actually she listened but because of one thing or another time slipped on by and the next thing we both knew it has been 8 months or more since I sat here and told you all our news. So sit yourself down and buckle up because I have so much to tell you
Having finished our stone shelter human mum decided to build something else.
At first Dad and I weren't too sure what it was, well of course it looked like a wall.
But what a strange place to put it, I mean, we have loads of walls all over the place but this one was right in the middle of our paddock and it was such a strange shape. Anyhow pretty soon human mum added a fence made out of pallets.
But more was to come.
Mum called it a kissing gate, of course it isn't finished in this picture but she put it together to show me what it would look like. Interesting don't you think?
Mum had lots of help, Raffa, Louise and Coco were on hand to help hang the gates and pretty soon it was finished. But still we didn't know what it was for.
And then they arrived.
Two of them.
Heaven knows what they are, for sure they aren't Donkeys and we don't think they are dogs, but they run around and make some funny noises and well I don't mind telling you I am not sure about them in the least.
Well no sooner had human mum finished the what ever they are called enclosure and lo and behold she got busy and started to build something else.
Dad said if any more of those things turn up he is going to write a strongly worded letter of complaint.
But somehow I don't think whatever it is she is building is for more of them.
For one thing the wall is much smaller. I told Dad it reminded me of when Mum was building our stone shelter. And he had to agree. Of course we had to take a closer look.
And test the quality of the work. Dad said it wasn't half bad, so I gave it my approval and human mum has been building it off and on, (when the weather is suitable) and well I can't wait to see how it looks when it is finished.
Personally I don't think we need another shelter so when Dad said something about it being for something called a Sheep. He overheard human mum telling one of our volunteers, I have a sneaking suspicion it is going to be a very interesting time.
Lots of people have had a hand in building the new shelter and some had a hand in moving some pretty big stones but mum was always on hand to make sure no one hurt themselves. I think the guys did pretty well to move this bad boy, don't you? But don't worry mum won't make you even try if you or she doesn't think you can do it.
In the meantime the pigs have been growing ever bigger. Dad says they are smelly but I think they are funny.
Of course 2 pigs are okay, but Mum has decided that she is getting a few more, one of them is a boy pig called General George. He apparently cannot live with the girls, Dad explained why, erm,, cough, cough, we don't want baby pigs running around thank you very much.
Mum decided to build his pen using Gabion walls, aka Bastions. They are metal cages filled with stone. We have had the help of some great people to both make the cages and fill them. And I can tell you it was exhausting work just watching them moves the stones from the old walls (that mum had mostly dismantled to make the pig enclosure and our stable)and putting them in to the cages. In fact it was so tiring Dad and I had to have a rest. Well it is hard supervising you humans you know.
Mum had promised me that I can do regular entries from now on into my diary, she apologised to me, explaining it was not her fault. She apparently couldn't access her photos, as Dad says.... humans.... they aren't as clever as us donkeys, I think he is right. Heehaw.
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