Thursday, 10 July 2014


Whilst there is always something to do here on the farm there is so much to do and see in and around the area. 

Of course one of our favourite places to visit for a little R&R (rest and relaxation) has to be.....

Down on the river beach.

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And then of course there are the waterfalls and pools at Caramella.
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As well as chilling with a cold one.

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But for those who just want to stay on the farm, there is of course a covered terrace on which to sit...

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Or maybe you would prefer to exercise on the roof terrace.  Apparently it is a great place to do Yoga too.

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Or maybe you'd like to try your hand at fishing for the Giant Catfish with our friend and guide Natalie from Catfishingadventures. Rob one of our volunteers did just that and heartily recommends the experience.  My that's a big one Rob, lol.
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Some days we have been known to take a trip to the unspoilt beach at San Jaume D'envieja.

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And of course we have to visit the river beach more than once... (it really is so nice to go down there on a hot afternoon and relax in the cool, cool water of the River Ebro.)

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Or perhaps if you are like me, you like to walk.  The scenery is quite breathtaking and whats more is yours (for the most part) and yours alone to enjoy on any given day. 

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Watching the sun go down.  What better way to end the day.

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Or maybe you are into finding hidden treasures.  I have a hidden cave house on my land and I invite all my visitors if they are interested in trying to find it.  Don't worry I will not only point you in the right direction but also give you clues if you wish.  However, those that have gone looking have all said it is so much fun just trying to find it by themselves. 

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And then when it is the season, there is the mushroom picking.  For this we head off into the forests and spend the morning rooting around looking for these precious fungi.

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Photographers have so much to snap it is often hard to know when to stop. (don't you think the above cloud looks like a cat, lol)

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My neighbours land, with views of Mount Caro in the distance.  Stunning don't you think. 

And then there is going for a hot chocolate and croissant.  Now that is something you have to try...

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Yes, the spoon really is standing up in the hot chocolate mix, that is how thick it is, mmmm it's like drinking (or rather eating) warm chocolate dessert.  Delicious!

Of course you could bring a little gym equipment with you and hang around the farm as Clay did.

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 photo DSC_1351_zps00bbjfsa.jpg I tell you this one made my eyes water. >

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